sexta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2008

L.A. –Softbodies final frontier!

“I think I thoughts I saw a pussycat” (Tweety)

Hello there.

First of all there have been obvious changes around here. The most noticeable is certainly the silence of the last months. No justifications here. Just plain slacky laziness. The other change you might have noticed is that we took the plunge at writing in English in order to accomplish higher indexation on the web browsers and hitcounters.

The other major change is in this post’s title, where semantic exploitation of the word frouxo was substituted with its unsuccessfull translation term “softbody”. But now you all know that it stands for the exact same stereotypes that we’ve been used so far.

Well and what brings us here today? (“It better be important”, you’d say) And it certainly is not some mumble-jumble around eucalyptuses private sex life.
We’ll be talking big shit here now.
The thing is, after thourough investigation we came to an outstanding breakthrough in climbing concepts.

Redpoint?! Flash?! Onsight?! Ok. We’ve all have been there and done that (at least you readers have).
Now, forget them, because we’re talking major innovation here.
We came to a point when everything has been done to exaustion, at least twice (and yes, I really do mean onsighting the same route and its successive second “first ascents”, variations and so forth). Of course! No big deal. Everyone seems to claim it these days!

And that is the point. Just when every path seemed to be heading towards saturation and vulgarity, we here at esclimbagem found a whole new concept. The ultimate solution to climbing development expectations.

Gentleman, you all know the glory and popularity collected through a FA (First Ascent). Well, we’ve surpassed that. We are glad to announce the dawn of a new era:



The final frontier!
(tchan-tchan, tchan-tchan, tchan-tchan, tuuooón tuuooooón túuuuooôn, tcha-CHAAANN!!...)

How many people do you know that have a deliberate Last Ascent? The true and only LAST ones to do a specific route, that no one will ever match? Honestly?

To achieve a Last Ascent we propose you some techniques that we're still brewing for a next post. Untill then, please stay tuned.

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